The Vintage Village Bake Off – Judy Leigh


I loved Hattie and her new glorious outlook on life, from the very beginning. When she decided to visit her Brother Robert in Devon, I couldn’t help but compare the country idyll down in Devon, with homemade bakes and lemonade, with Hattie’s Sister Bunty, currently staying in Hattie’s house with her new beau, settling down to greasy pie and chips in front of the snooker!

l loved the eclectic characters in this book, especially those in Devon, and it made me chuckle at what a babe magnet Robert had become – although he was so modest, he didn’t have the slightest idea what was going on! I also adored the relationship between the siblings, just as much as the other blossoming relationships.

I didn’t just read this book; I devoured it and gorged on it in one greedy sitting, and when I had finished it, I wanted to go back for more and reread it, just in case I had missed anything with my gluttonous reading.

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