Come Fly With Me – Helen Rolfe

I liked our heroine Maya’s character immediately, but really didn’t like her ex husband Conrad and the way he seemed to be almost emotionally blackmailing her due to things he knew about her past that she didn’t want publicised. When I thought of Conrad, stalking bunny boilers came to mind! He really was unpleasant, and not afraid to take advantage of his professional power in his personal life. I liked Noah, and admired the way he had altered his lifestyle in order to meet his changing commitments. His first meeting with Maya was however somewhat inauspicious to say the least, but I don’t think that Maya would be one to bear grudges. I appreciated the fact that the story didn’t follow the obvious route, after this initial bad meeting.

Noah’s lack of confidence with the situation he found himself in, did break my heart and I was desperate for him not to make any rash decisions. However, I think that he ultimately found himself a victim of the old adage to ‘be careful what wish for’.

I was saddened by Maya’s relationship with her Father and I sincerely hoped that something could be salvaged from that situation, especially since she didn’t have a huge family left. I shared Maya’s excitement for the work she did, and felt that the story was an excellent advertisement for the real life air ambulance pilots out there.

My heart soared at the idea that people can change for the better, and I hoped that given the chance, those characters with the greatest need, could perhaps redeem themselves.

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