A Surprise Proposal in the Rose Garden – Margaret Amatt

I have only read one book from Margaret Amatt’s Glenbriar series before, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am proof that you can read the books singly, or as part of the series. I’m so looking forward to reading A Surprise Proposal in the Rose a Garden, hoping that I might come across some old ‘friends’ from the series.

Just what has Genevieve, our likeable heroine done? Her vlogging persona, which earns her a living, markets her as an astute, capable young woman, with no need for a man in her life – but she is harbouring a ‘guilty’ little secret from the world. What can it possibly be?

However good it is to bump into Finlay again, it is sad that he is still reeling from having been dumped, but will he really leave the UK? It is also sad that his ‘relationship’ with Genevieve seems to have been wracked with misunderstanding since they first met during their school days. Genevieve and Finlay are both basically good honest people, and if they took the time to get to know each other, they might realise that they are far better suited, and have far more in common, than they would have anticipated. Indeed despite them both being convinced that they don’t like each other, they seem to have an uncanny knack of making the other one do what they want to do – as though they have cast spells upon each other.

Going to Genevieve’s parents party seems like a great idea, but will ‘The Vieve’ and Finlay really allow a drunken moment in her parents rose garden, to steer the course of their lives……together……..but if sticking to their story means the survival of Finlay’s beloved junior rugby team…………???

Can the pair’s surprise relationship last? I for one, most certainly hope so, but to find out, you will have to read what is one of this year’s most unputdownable novels, to find out.

Purchase Link: https://mybook.to/supriseproposal

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