it was with great pleasure that I sat down to read this latest book from Gillian Harvey, such has been my enjoyment of her previous books.

The book club members certainly are an eclectic bunch, but is there more to their lives than initially meets the eye? As we peel back their layers like a French onion as we get to know them, we start to expose the reality of their lives. Does living in a foreign country somehow invalidate their problems in the expats minds?

Leah and her Husband Nathan seem to be tiring a little of their ‘Good Life’ self sufficiency dream – and just where does Nathan keep on disappearing off to – alone, yet ’suited and booted’? Just who is the mystery woman that he may or may not have been seen with by more than one person? As for his subpar veggies………they certainly made me chuckle, especially when he got so touchy about them – as if his meagre garden offerings were in someway reflective of his masculinity. In reality there are only so any ways to serve eggs with straggly carrots or pea sized potatoes! Leah also has her work cut out, coexisting with Scarlett, their impenetrable teenage Daughter. Leah feels increasingly distant to her – doesn’t seem to understand her – whilst Scarlett seems for the most part, embarrassed by her Mother. Scarlett is certainly on the ball with her retort to her Mother’s ‘money doesn’t grow on trees comment’, and I admit her response did make me chuckle. Can something be both hilarious, yet concurrently not at all funny? Has Scarlett subscribed to ‘Snarky Teenager 101’, or is there an element of truth in her appraisal of her parents relationship? It’s all very well following a potentially errant partner, but Leah’s plans were ill thought through; what should she do with the information she garners? The couple seem to be drifting apart; will it take some kind of tragedy to bring them back together?

Grace seems content living in her magazine-perfect home, but is there more then meets the eye about the split from her ex Husband? She certainly seems to be trying to outrun her loneliness, by virtue of belonging to as many clubs and groups as possible, but is she trying to erase or hide from some kind of past pain?

Alfie is shouldering great sadness with his sick Mother, but he still seems a little out of place in a book club made up mostly of people old enough to be his parents. It turns out he is going to the book club in lieu of his increasingly ailing Mother, so he can tell her about the discussions had when he gets home. Such compassion in one so young is so utterly heartwarming. Things do shift though, in that Alfie starts to really enjoy the book group for himself, and in particular he relishes his new group of friends, even if they are all older than him.

Monica is outwardly living the dream, with her beautiful baby and dashing Pilot husband – but the reality is so different. Peter is away flying so much, for increasing periods of time, that she is in effect a single mother- and for whatever reason – post natal depression perhaps – she just really isn’t coping on the inside. Motherhood isn’t living up to her dreams and she simply doesn’t feel up to the task in hand. Again, she is lonely, yet sees her Husband so infrequently, that he invariably has no idea how much she is missing her London tribe. The pair come from such different backgrounds, one wonders whether or not they will ever be able to understand each other fully. I loved Monica for not caring about George’s muddy clothes on her immaculate sofa, or potential red wine stains on her perfect interior. Regardless though, Monica is currently out of her depth, with the reality of motherhood currently seeming so far from the idyllic life she had dreamed of.

George isn’t where he had imagined he would be at this stage in his life, and doesn’t really seem to have moved on from his last relationship breakup. His life seems somewhat aimless. Although he is happy enough. Could he now be ready for new love?

Can the new friends improve their lots in life by seizing the moment and taking control tof their own destinies? Is there really a problem with Leah’s marriage?

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